Equity release after retirement, not compulsion but a preferred choice

Released on = June 27, 2006, 10:47 pm

Press Release Author = David

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = With the possible increase of £ 1 billion over the next two
years, equity release has become a common phenomenon and it should be no more
considered as last option.

Press Release Body = According to market research firm Defecto, whilst people reach
their retirement age, raising funds through releasing equity that is tied in your
home is a convenient way of acquiring funds. With the possible increase of £ 1
billion over the next two years, equity release has become a common phenomenon and
it should be no more considered as last option. Equity release is a system which
allows homeowners to sell a part of their property to the lender to get a return in
the form of regular income or lump sum cash.

London ( apply-4-loans ) June 28, 2006: According to a market research firm Defaqto,
when people reach retirement age, it is ideal time of releasing funds through equity
release. Defaqto advised that in next two years equity market will increase by £1
billion and equity release should be seen as viable option and not as a last option.
Equity release is a process where homeowner sells only a certain percentage of their
property to the lender to earn an income or get a lump sum amount. Henceforth,
lender recovers this amount in case of borrower's demise or in case if borrower
moves to old age home.

David Black, the author of the research and head of banking at the market research
firm stated that people often find shortage of money and unable to cope with the
situation as there is a gap between their income and expenditure. To overcome such
adversity, releasing funds through equity loans can be ideal solution as you get a
regular income or lump sum cash. Pointing to the future, he added that it is most
likely that the use of equity would become more common and natural choice.

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